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Texas's farmers and ranchers report the following issues are major priorities.

Property Rights, Water rights, Taxes, Right to Farm, Transportation, Animal Care, Feral Hog Control, Truth in Labeling, Rual Connectivity, and Sunset Legislation.

Timothy Gassaway will be working collaboratively with all house members to advocate for farmers and ranchers in District 87.


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Borders and Immigration

It is no secret that immigration reform requires national attention. Mr. Gassaway believes that any forms of family separation should be ended. Establish new H1B Visas opportunities and programs to enable additional job opportunities in the Construction and IT industries.

Protecting our border and fixing our broken immigration system are critical priorities and will remain so as long as our economy remains strong and other countries in our hemisphere experience poverty, violence, and disruption. 

Republicans have shown that they are both incapable and unwilling to address this issue.  Progressive candidates should take a strong position, based on what is consistent with our country's values and beneficial to our economy.

Securing our Border and Fixing our Broken Immigration System

Protecting our border and fixing our broken immigration system are critical priorities and will remain so as long as our economy remains strong and other countries in our hemisphere experience poverty, violence, and disruption.

Republicans have shown that they are both incapable and unwilling to address this issue.  Progressive candidates should take a strong position, based on what is consistent with our country's values and beneficial to our economy. 

5 Immigration Myths

This paper addresses 5 common myths about immigration in the US. For each myth it will cover why some people incorrectly believe it, what the facts say, and how this should inform policy progress.



Health Care, Mental health, Reproductive Health

Medicaid Expansion

Texas has the highest uninsured rate of any state in the US.  Expanding Medicaid will increase coverage, improve health outcomes, and strenghten the Texas economy.   

Restoring Reproductive Rights

Texas' ban on abortion harms patients and our communities in numerous ways.To restore these rights (and protect other rights now at risk), it is now essential that we elect legislators who will respect reproductive rights, including the right to choose an abortion.


America’s healthcare system is broken – costing us far too much and leaving too many without adequate care. We need our political leaders to work together to find common-sense solutions to improve access and affordability.


School Vouchers in Texas

There are many reasons to oppose voucher programs.  Texas should reject vouchers, and instead adequately fund our public schools.  

Funding Education in Texas

Texas has a relatively poor and underfunded education system that will pose substantial risks to our economy going forward.

Public, Charter and Private Schools
We need leaders who will fight to protect and invest in our students instead of diverting funds to alternative schooling programs with mixed results. The strongest evidence points to investing in public schools as the best way to improve outcomes for students.


Economic performance during the first three years of the Biden administration has been strong.  However, many Americans believe incorrectly that our economy is not doing well.  Accurate information can help to correct that misunderstanding. 


America’s democracy lags other advanced countries and needs work. We should pursue policies that ensure election integrity, while more importantly lowering barriers for eligible voters to vote.


Reliable electricity is essential to our state’s future success. The legislature has not
done enough to fix the problems that we experienced in early 2021.

Water in Texas

Texas faces a significant and growing water shortage. We need leaders who will support effective planning and investment.


World Class Infrastructure – Background

A world class infrastructure is vital to America’s future and today our infrastructure falls short. This calls for forward-looking policies and investment.

Paid For by Timothy Gassaway for Texas State Representative, District 87 Campaign Fund
Timothy Gassaway Campaign Treasurer
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